Devlane Blog

The Candidate Experience: Why It Matters and How to Do It Right

Turn the hiring process into a journey that excites candidates, boost engagement and attract top talent with a streamlined approach.

Isabel Ballén
September 18, 2024

Imagine applying for your dream job, only to be met with silence or a heavy process that leaves you frustrated. Now flip the script and think about how you can transform this journey into a positive, engaging experience that leaves candidates excited about the opportunity to join your team. That’s the power of improving the candidate experience. Let’s dive into why it’s crucial and how you can make it happen.

What is Candidate Experience?

Candidate experience encompasses all interactions a job seeker has with a company, from the job application process to the final hiring decision. It's a journey that can significantly influence their perception of the organization.

Now, imagine going through a long and tedious job application only to be ghosted by the employer. Frustrating, right? Unfortunately, this is a common scenario. A 2024 study revealed that 53% of candidates have experienced ghosting by employers, with 31% being left in the dark after initial contact but before scheduling an interview​ (CareerPlug)​. This not only tarnishes the company’s reputation but also discourages top talent from applying in the future.

Why is it important to build a smooth journey for your candidates?

  1. Attracting Top Talent: In a competitive job market, the best candidates often have multiple options. A positive experience can set your company apart, making it the employer of choice. For instance, a survey by CareerPlug found that 58% of candidates are less likely to buy from a company after a poor application experience, impacting not just recruitment but also the bottom line​​.
  2. Employer Branding: Word of mouth travels fast. Candidates who have a positive experience are likely to share their journey with peers, enhancing your brand's reputation. Conversely, negative experiences can quickly spread, deterring potential applicants. According to Talent Board’s 2023 CandE Benchmark Research, companies with the highest candidate experience ratings are more likely to have candidates who would reapply (74%) and refer others (76%)​ (ERE Media)​.
  3. Efficiency in Hiring: Streamlined and transparent processes can reduce the time and resources spent on recruitment. A clear and efficient hiring process can lead to quicker hiring decisions and less frustration for both candidates and hiring teams. The Washington Post highlighted that both employers and job seekers take issue with the current hiring processes, stressing the need for improvements in communication and efficiency. Companies that invest in improving their candidate experience report a 70% reduction in time-to-fill roles, showcasing the efficiency benefits​ (HCI)​.
  4. Retention and Engagement: The candidate experience often sets the tone for an employee's journey with a company. A good start can lead to higher engagement and retention rates. HR Dive noted the importance of treating candidates like customers, noting that a poor experience can lead to a significant loss in potential hires and even customers (HR Dive)

If you think it's time to improve your Candidate Experience and don't know where to start, we’d like to share some of our learnings. Our experience and continuous improvement in Talent Acquisition processes, with a special focus on the candidate journey, have led to 1 in 4 candidates presented to clients joining Devlane. 

How did we achieve this? Keep these tips in mind:

  1. Transparency: Clearly communicate job responsibilities, align budget with salary expectations, and outline benefits upfront. This helps candidates make informed decisions and reduces unnecessary back-and-forth.
  2. Communication: Keep candidates informed at every stage of the process. Automate responses and updates to ensure no one is left in the dark.
  3. Simplify Applications: Avoid lengthy application processes. According to SmartRecruiters, companies with streamlined applications see higher completion rates and better candidate engagement.
  4. Feedback Loop: Provide constructive feedback to candidates, even if they are not selected. This approach helps them improve and leaves a positive impression of your company. Additionally, at the end of the selection process, the TA team gathers feedback from candidates about their experience. This practice is crucial for continuous improvement, ensuring the process remains efficient, respectful, and candidate-friendly.
  5. Use Technology: Implement tools that can automate and improve the hiring process. Use an ATS (Applicant Tracking System), provide calendar links for easy scheduling, and leverage automation to keep the process efficient. 

Are you in a hurry to add top software engineers to your team? Building a good Candidate Experience can take time. We take the headaches out of hiring so you can focus on your goals, bringing the best tech talent from Latam to your project. Schedule time to talk with our tech talent experts here.