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10 Key Aspects Before Scaling Your Software Development Team

It's no secret that a solid software team is the engine that drives any IT company. Having both quality and quantity of developers is crucial as your goals grow bigger. But how do you scale it in a smart way to support your growth? Let's find out together in this blogpost.

Adrián Sánchez
July 30, 2024

Your tech team is the engine that powers your company's growth. As your goals get bigger, having the right tech talent to reach them becomes critical. But how do you scale your team the smart way? Do you go through the whole hiring ordeal, or is there a faster, leaner way to get the needed skills? Before you decide, think about these critical questions. The answers will point you toward the best path for your business.

#1 Do I have time to wait for new hires?

Tech moves ridiculously fast. If you've got big deadlines, competitors breathing down your neck, or customers waiting, time isn't on your side. Traditional hiring – ads, interviews, the whole process – can take forever. Staff augmentation can connect you with the right engineers faster, who are ready to jump into your projects right now.

#2 Is my team set up to handle remote engineers?

Managing people across borders is a whole different ball game. Different legal stuff, possible language gaps, making sure everyone feels part of the team even when they're far away... It's tough! If your HR folks are already stretched thin, doing this on top can get messy. Good staff augmentation partners take care of all those headaches. They handle the HR side so your team can focus on what they do best – building great stuff.

#3 What tech skills are a must-have, and how rare are they?

Finding the ideal engineers to fit your unique tech stack is a make-or-break factor. Building an in-house team might be feasible if you require popular technologies like Python or React. However, if you rely on specialized frameworks or niche programming languages, the traditional talent search can become a significant roadblock, leading to costly project delays. Staff augmentation providers maintain vast networks of pre-vetted engineers with diverse skill sets. This dramatically increases your chances of finding the right experts quickly, even for hard-to-fill tech roles.

#4 Does the cost of in-house hiring make sense in the long term?

Expanding your in-house engineering team represents a significant ongoing financial investment. Beyond salaries and benefits, consider the long-term costs of recruitment fees, dedicated HR personnel, physical office space that may sit empty during down cycles, and expensive hardware and software. If your workload fluctuates with project cycles, staff augmentation allows you to scale up or down on demand. You optimize your budget, avoid the costs of a slow hiring process, and eliminate the financial risks associated with a large, fixed-cost workforce.

#5 Will these new team members deliver the quality we're known for?

Keeping your software top-notch is priority number one.  Hiring in-house means setting up ways to screen talent, figure out how to train them on your way of doing things, and get them up to speed. That puts a lot of extra work on the team you already have. Staff augmentation partners take care of all that for you. They have strict processes for finding the right engineers who already get your tech stack and fit in with your team's work.  This means they get on board smoothly, and your high standards are never at risk.

#6 Can we handle the workload of finding the right talent?

Finding awesome engineers takes significant effort. It's not just your HR folks – your tech leads will be pulled into writing job descriptions, doing interviews, checking references... the whole nine yards. Adding a big hiring push on top can backfire if your team is already swamped. Burnout, missed deadlines on other projects, you name it. Staff augmentation takes that weight off your shoulders. We've got engineers ready to go, all carefully vetted.  That lets your in-house team focus on building awesome stuff, not sifting through resumes.

#7 Have we thought through the security side of remote work?

Remote teams are amazing, but there are things to be extra careful about.  Protecting your company's ideas, customer data, and all those code secrets... that's way more complicated when employees are in different buildings. Do you have the proper security setup? Are you ready for the extra layer of protection when it's spread out? Good staff augmentation partners know all this inside and out. They help you ensure everything's locked down tight, with clear agreements so you can collaborate worry-free.

#8 How will we ensure effective communication and collaboration with remote engineers?

Seamless communication underpins the success of any tech project and becomes even more critical when managing remote teams dispersed across time zones. How will you bridge potential communication gaps and foster collaboration? Will you provide your remote engineers with access to essential communication tools or integrate them into your existing platforms? Successful staff augmentation partners understand the importance of effective communication. They often have project management systems in place and provide guidance on best practices for collaboration within a hybrid (in-house + remote)  team structure.

#9 Are we prepared to adapt our leadership style to manage remote teams effectively?

Managing teams with significant remote components requires a shift from traditional in-office management styles. CEOs and engineering leaders must prioritize clear communication, build trust through virtual interactions, set realistic expectations, and develop strategies for recognizing remote employees' contributions. Are you and your leadership team equipped to create an environment where remote engineers feel valued, motivated, and productive? Some staff augmentation providers offer onboarding support and guidance on successfully managing this evolving team dynamic.

#10 The Staff Augmentation Edge: Speed, Cost-Effectiveness, and Flexibility

If a faster, leaner, and more flexible approach to scaling your tech team sounds appealing, companies like Devlane offer compelling advantages:

No more waiting games: Gain immediate access to a pre-vetted pool of experienced engineers who possess the exact skills your projects demand.

Save Money: Bypass the high overhead associated with traditional in-house hiring, reducing HR burdens and eliminating long-term commitments that can strain your budget.

Be Flexible: Scale your team effortlessly to match your workload, ensuring you always have the right resources at the right time.

Maintain Top Quality: Benefit from our thorough screening processes and strategic matching to consistently deliver engineers who enhance your product's excellence.

Ready to explore how Staff Augmentation can transform your growth trajectory?

Team Extension isn't just about short-term cost-saving; it's a strategic tool for CEOs aiming to maximize long-term growth potential. It allows you to scale your tech capabilities rapidly, access specialized skills on demand, optimize your budget, and maintain unwavering quality standards. 

If you're ready to unlock the full potential of your Software Development Team, discover the advantages of doing it nearshore with Devlane.